Greenock - Memorials

Greenock - Memorials

Cross of Lorraine – Lyle Hill – Built and paid for by men of the French Navy based in Greenock 1940 - 1945
Flashing Buoy – Esplanade – 1880 - D & T Stevenson engineers to the Clyde Lighthouse Trust  First Flashing navigational buoy used to be situated at Rosneath Patch.
Presented by Greenock Central Co-operative Scoiety Ltd  to mark the occasion of the Jubilee of the society 28 March 1930 - Thom St
Air Raid Victims Memorial, Greenock Cemetery
John Galt Well
Masonic Temple, West Stewart St. Greenock
Plaque Argyll & Sutherland
Radical War Memorial Plaque, Bank St Greenock
Radical War Memorial, Bank St Greenock
Radical War Names, Bank St Greenock
War Memorial, Post Office, Cathcart St. Greenock
War Memorial, Well Park, Greenock
WW I War Memorial, Masonic Temple, West Stewart St. Greenock
Argyll & Sutherland memorial Loch Thom
Argyll & Sutherland memorial Loch Thom 2
Robert Thom memorial Greenock cut visitor centre

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